Although I've been creating stories all my life, in 2012 I decided to devote myself to getting those stories out into the world. It took a few years but finally starting in May 2015 The Sounds That Resonate was available for purchase on as an e-book. We hope to have it at all the major e-book retailers soon!
I currently live in Western New York near the City of Buffalo with my husband and children. I was born and raised in this area, although I did leave for a time to live in other parts of New York State. I enjoy traveling to other states in the US and seeing the differences in people and places. I also visit Canada since it's so close to where I live now. I hope to travel to other parts of the world and find inspiration there someday.
All of my stories are pure fiction. Those that know me may see themselves in some of my characters. I try not to base any of my characters on any one person but create them from an amalgam of personality traits and behaviors I've seen. The author I admire most is Agatha Christie, who wrote such well rounded characters just from observing the world around her. My goal is to have characters that people can recognize and relate to, whether you love or hate them.
As a new writer, I've decided to self-publish my stories. Not only will it get my words out there faster, it will also let me tell the story the way I want it told. I hope that you'll try reading my book and that it speaks to you! That's all any author can ask for.